Posts tagged ‘spelt’

April 22, 2011

Springtime Smoothie

There’s just something about spring that awakens my love for fruit! Maybe I’m thirstier, feeling more energetic, wanting something light and refreshing. Whatever the reason, one thing’s for sure – it’s delicious!

I was Jonesing hard yesterday afternoon for a mango smoothie but without being able to do anything about it, I went for the next best thing – smoothie for today’s breakfast.

Last night I blended up these components:

  • 3/4 cup Lactaid skim milk
  • 1 packet Trader Joe’s frozen mango puree
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1 tablepoon chia seeds
  • 1/4 block of tofu

So thick and creamy! I could have eaten this with a spoon like soup. In fact, I even considered it but I was in the mood to use a straw =)

I added tofu to this smoothie because I find that the milk-base isn’t filling enough. Maybe I need to use low-fat milk instead? At any rate, I’m a bit wary of protein powders and things of that nature so I decided tofu would give me that extra protein I need!

My smoothie mixtures generally have 3/4-1 cup of liquid (any kind of milk – my roommate uses juice, too). I then add whatever fruit I have on hand – about 1-1.5 servings of fruit.

Yogurt or tofu will make the smoothie thicker and creamier (protein powder will, too, but I don’t use the stuff). Chia seeds or ground flax will add to the creaminess and give you some great fats! I don’t feel the need for any added sweetener but honey, agave nectar, and fruit juice work well. Just keep in mind that lots of sugar at breakfast can leave you feeling much hungrier later. If you use really good fruit then extra sugar shouldn’t be necessary!

Everyone is different when it comes to what makes you feel full and satisfied. Yes, we all need the same basics, but how we spread them throughout the day tends to be pretty unique. For me, I always need a whole grain with my meals, particularly breakfast, to initially feel satisfied and then protein to carry me through until my next snack or meal. All depends on who you are and what you do.

As much as I love a fresh fruit smoothie, it’s not nearly enough for my breakfast no matter how much I try to up the protein. Some bloggers blend oats into their mixes but I really prefer something to chew on, you know?

Thank goodness for whole spelt English muffins =) About a teaspoon of TJ’s raw almond butter spread on top and a bit of Polaner’s apricot fruit spread.

These muffins are so tasty. Spelt flour has a bit of tangyness to it, which I love, and these are still really chewy even after being toasted. Y’all know how much I crave the chew.

I loved this meal!! So many different textures and all of the flavors worked together perfectly.

One of my coworkers has the Magic Bullet – you know, that super chopper/blender from the infomercials? I’ve been tempted to pick one up only because you can make a smoothie and then take the whole bullet with you to have your smoothie later in the day! Something to consider, I guess…